A Blog from Brooklyn

Communication & Communication Study, Here’s what to know…

Linear Model of Communication

Communication study extensively examines the various forms and outcome of human communication. Communication is the process of using symbols to exchange meaning. This Linear Model of Communication image is related to chapter 1 because it’s a visual representations of both communication study and communication. It’s a model that suggest communication move in one direction. The sender who is the initiator of the communication encodes and sends a message. A message is a particular meaning or content, it can be intentional or unintentional, written or spoken, verbal or non verbal or any combination of these. The sender sends this message through a particular channel, which is the method a sender uses to send the message. The most common channels are verbal and non verbal communication. As you can see the big green what look like fire crackers popping as a distraction, that’s because noise interferes with the sending or receiving of a message. Just like fire crackers going off while you’re trying to read. Noise can be a internal or external. 

The liner model of communication apply to my daily life environment mostly with me being the sender and strangers being the receiver. With the world being such a negative place with all the social injustice and senseless killings I make it my duty to smile and say hello to people I don’t know. I normally walk around my neighborhood on nice day while walking my dog and if I see people I look them in the eyes, smile and say hello. Im the sender, the people I pass on the streets are the receiver and the message is hello via verbal and non verbal channels. Most of the time people will speak back but there are sometimes where people won’t speak and that’s okay. I don’t know what they are going through in their life. I don’t know what noise in their life right now that could’ve prevented them from receiving a nice gesture and not returning it. No message is received exactly as it is transmitted by sender because noise distorts it in one way or another.

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